Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Burgers and Horses (but not Horse Burgers)

What a busy few days we have had! We are enjoying this warmer weather and have been finding lots of fun stuff to do outdoors. We went and visited Olivia's Grandpa James and spent some time playing with his horse. Olivia has no fear of big animals, and she loves getting to pet and feed the horse.

We also took some time to go shopping together and the girls enjoyed being pushed around in their double stroller. Here are some pictures we took when we stopped for a burger:

"We do not remember days; we remember moments.  ~Cesare Pavese"


  1. I love this. What a great writer you are! And those girls are SOMETHING! Do you intend to have a way to follow your blog, like GFC?

  2. I really hate to admit this but im afraid you have this internet lingo down better then I do...what is GFC. Haha!

  3. Google Friend Connect. If you have a Google account you can get this visitor widget to place on your blog's sidebar. It will track your visitors.
